鑑定書・グレイディングについて-Grading report・Grading-
各種マークの説明 -About Marks-
Quality mark
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】
Special Material:Pearl of the year
Pearl of the year Akoya Pearl
Pearl of the year Kurocho Pearl
Pearl of the year Shirocho Pearl
Lustre mark
These are the highest value pearls in special selections.(Limited)
[品質構成要素]【Quality Component】
巻き(測定結果) | 極厚 Extremely thick あこや真珠0.6mm以上 Nacer Thickness : more than 0.6mm(test result) 南洋真珠(黒蝶・白蝶)1.2mm以上 Nacer Thickness : more than 1.2mm(test result) |
形(測定結果) | 真丸 Perfect round 2.00%未満 Circularity : under 2.00%(test result) |
テリ(測定・観察結果) | 最強 Luster : the strongest(test result) |
キズ・面(観察結果) | 無・ほぼ無 Surface condition & Scratch (Observation result) : None ・ Almost None |
連相(観察結果) | ネックレスの場合 非常に良い Strand Arrangement : Excellent |
色 (観察結果) | 実体色及び干渉色による Color pigment or interterence color(observation) |
◎Those that are recognized as having the highest standards in the inspection items.
Quality mark
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】
Special Material:Florence Akoya pearl
Lustre mark
On the territory of the inspection item. Those recognized as being the ultimate standard.(Limited)
[品質構成要素]【Quality Component】
巻き(測定結果) | 極厚 Extremely thick あこや真珠0.5mm以上 Nacer Thickness : than 0.5mm(test result) |
形(測定結果) | 真丸 Perfect round 2.00%未満 Circularity : under 2.00%(test result) |
テリ(測定・観察結果) | 最強 Luster : the strongest(test result) |
キズ・面(観察結果) | 無・ほぼ無 Surface condition & Scratch (Observation result) : None ・ Almost None |
連相(観察結果) | ネックレスの場合 非常に良い Strand Arrangement : Excellent |
色 (観察結果) | 実体色及び干渉色による Color pigment or interterence color(observation) |
◎Those that are recognized as having the highest standards in the inspection items.
Quality mark
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】
Special Selections"Hanadama":Grace pearl
Black Rose Kurocho pearl
White Rose Shirocho pearl
Natural blue pearl
Lustre mark
テリ(面)[測定・観察結果] Brightness(observation)
The highest standards in each inspection item.
[品質構成要素]【Quality Component】
巻き(測定結果) | 厚 Thick あこや真珠0.4mm以上 Nacer Thickness : more than 0.4mm(test result) 南洋真珠(黒蝶・白蝶)1.0mm以上 Nacer Thickness : more than 1.0mm(test result) |
形(測定結果) | 真丸 Perfect round 2.00%未満 Circularity : under 2.00%(test result) |
テリ(測定・観察結果) | 最強 Luster : the strongest(test result) |
キズ・面(観察結果) | 無・ほぼ無 Surface condition & Scratch (Observation result) : None ・ Almost None |
連相(観察結果) | ネックレスの場合 非常に良い Strand Arrangement : Excellent |
色 (観察結果) | 実体色及び干渉色による Color pigment or interterence color(observation) |
◎Those that are recognized as having the highest standards in the inspection items.
Quality mark
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】
Glow Pearl
Lustre mark
テリ(面)[測定・観察結果] Brightness(observation)
The highest standards in each inspection item.
[品質構成要素]【Quality Component】
巻き(測定結果) | 厚 Thick あこや真珠0.4mm以上 Nacer Thickness : more than 0.4mm(test result) 南洋真珠(黒蝶・白蝶)1.0mm以上 Nacer Thickness : more than 1.0mm(test result) |
テリ(測定・観察結果) | 最強 Luster : the strongest(test result) |
◎Those recognized as the highest standards for "Nacer Thickness" and "Luster", which are the characteristics of pearls
As a result of the inspection, it is not a pearl corresponding to the defective item described below mark to prove
Defective products in cultured peals.(excluding 3/4 pearl or semicircle pearl (ex.Mabe pearl))
No.1[真珠層異物混入] [Contamination] |
異質物を含む真珠層が形成された珠 Containing ingredients that are not alike. |
No.2[薄マキ] [Thin] |
真珠層のマキが薄く、経年劣化が速い珠及び内部の核の模様が見える珠 Aging earlier or Appearing internal anatomy because of thin. |
No.3[核割れ] [Broken Pearl nucleus] |
内部の核割れの為、真珠層が破壊される恐れがある珠 In danger of having the nacreous layer broken. |
No.4[加工キズ・スポット・亀裂・ヒビ等] [Crack,stain and so on] |
一次加工の段階で過度の仕上加工をした珠 Excessive process at the first-stage process. |
No.5[加工斑] [Mottles] |
シミ(有機質層)が斑になっている珠 There are some spots or blotches. |
Certification mark
As a result of inspection, marks recognized as pearls
Definition of "Hanadama"
"Hanadama" is commonly used by pearl farmers only for the highest quality pearls among the pearl oysters that have just been taken from Akoya pearl oysters. However, there was no clear definition there.
In order to give significance to excellent pearls, we define it as "Hanadama" by adding objectivity based on scientific measurement and observation results.
Hanadama : Certified pearls
[品質構成要素]【Quality Component】
巻き(測定結果) | 厚 Thick あこや真珠0.25mm以上 Nacer Thickness : more than 0.25mm(test result) |
形(測定結果) | 丸 Round 5.00%未満 Circularity : under 5.00%(test result) |
テリ(測定・観察結果) | 強 Luster : Strong(test result) |
キズ・面(観察結果) | 極小 Surface condition & Scratch (Observation result) : None or little |
連相(観察結果) | ネックレスの場合 良い Strand Arrangement : good (by Observation) |
色 (観察結果) | 実体色及び干渉色による Color : Body color and interterence color(bt Observation) |
◎Hanadama pearls are those that are recognized as having high standards in the inspection items.
巻き | 0.4mm以上 | 0.3mm以上 | 0.2mm以上 | 0.1mm以上 | 0.1mm以下 |
極厚 | 厚い | やや厚い | やや薄い | 薄い | |
☆☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆ | ☆☆ | ☆ | |
形 | 2.00%未満 | 5.00%未満 | 12.00%未満 | 15.00%未満 | 25.00%未満 |
真丸 | 丸 | ほぼ丸 | やや変形 | 変形 | |
☆☆☆☆☆ |
☆☆☆☆ |
☆☆☆ | ☆☆ | ☆ | |
テリ | 最強 | 強 |
やや強い |
やや弱い | 弱い |
☆☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ |
☆☆☆ |
☆☆ | ☆ | |
キズ | 無・ほぼ無 | 極めて少ない |
少ない |
やや多い | 多い |
☆☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ |
☆☆☆ |
☆☆ | ☆ |
We categorize pearl,special selections and higher selections.
【特選真珠】Special selections
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】 |
特選素材:パールオブザイヤー[限定品] Special Material:Pearl of the year【Limited】 特選素材:フローレンスあこや真珠®[限定品] Special Material:Florence Akoya pearl【Limited】 |
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】 |
特選花珠:グレースパール® Special Selections"Hanadama":Grace pearl 特選:ブラックローゼス黒蝶真珠® Special Selections:Black Rose Kurocho pearl 特選:ホワイトローゼス白蝶真珠® Special Selections:White Rose Shirocho pearl 特選:真美真珠® Natural blue pearl |
【上選真珠】Higher selections
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】 |
光彩真珠® Glow pearl |
We will scientifically conduct waveform distinction and appraisal using the ultrasonic pearl thickness measuring device for the "thickness" of the pearl layer which is the base of the pearl.
【波形鑑別】Waveform discrimination
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】 |
認定真珠 Certified pearl [品質構成要素] 巻き(測定結果) あこや真珠0.25mm以上 南洋真珠(黒蝶・白蝶)0.8mm以上 |
[選別呼称] 【Sorting designation】 |
[品質構成要素] 巻き(測定結果) |